
The Village Guardians Ch. 2-9

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+The Village Guardians+

-Chapter #2: Joy and Shadows-

>Part # 9<

Continued from Part #8...

Written by Dr. Mack Foxx and Aaraboga Jones

Ages 13+ Suggested

Original Story, Characters and all other Original Content are Copyright 1987-2008 Philip “Dr. Mack Foxx” Byard and Aaron “Aaraboga Jones” Byard

Poke’mon and all related content and characters are Copyright 1995-2008 to Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures and The Poke’mon Company

The next morning, Anna was excited as she met Simon in a corridor of the massive marble palace of Olympus.

“Are you ready for the last of you training?” asked Simon.

“I am ready,” said Anna with determination. Simon smiled and nodded appreciatively at his young student.

“So you are,” said Simon, “Just so you know, Anna, these next few months are going to be the toughest yet. The increased strength you received from carrying those huge granite tablets for so long will be very helpful in the days ahead as well as your newfound patience.”

“So, what are you going to teach me now?” asked an enthusiastic Anna. Simon’s gentle gaze fell upon the young Gardevoir.

“There may very well come times when you cannot depend on your psychic powers for attack or defense,” said Simon, “I now feel you are ready to learn unarmed combat, such as a few forms of Karate as well as armed combat with a weapon of your choice.”

“I’d like you to teach me how to use a .44 Magnum,” said a grinning Anna. Simon couldn’t help but laugh.

“Not that kind of weapon!” said Simon with warm laughter, “Something more like swords, knives and other such things. I’ve never learned to operate a firearm and I’ve never needed to.”

“Well, I’ve always wanted to learn how to fight with a katana and a wakizashi,” replied Anna. To say the least, Simon was absolutely delighted an Anna’s response.

“That is a good choice,” said Simon happily, “After all, I am said to be one of the best Pokémon sword masters in the world. I think I’m going to enjoy teaching you how to wield those weapons. Of course, you realize that the katana and wakizashi are very dangerous and should never be used, unless in extreme circumstances. I’m going to teach you how to be lethal and agile in combat by sword and with your own hands.”

“Then again… I really don’t want to be able to kill people like that…” said Anna with great hesitation, “I think I’d be better off not knowing such things.”

“Your remark is very comforting,” said Simon, “I will also teach you how to use martial arts as well as your weapons of choice when you just want to disable or disarm your opponent. Like I said, there may come a time when you will have to rely on more than just your own powers alone.”

“Okay then, sensei,” said Anna with yet another polite bow towards her instructor, “Please lead the way, sensei.” Simon nodded and led Anna down the large corridor of the palace.

“We’ll be training in the arena of the Elite Guards,” said Simon. Anna gasped at this revelation.

“But, only Gallades and their trainees are allowed in there! It’s forbidden for any female Ralts, Kirlias or Gardevoirs to go to that place!” said Anna with shock.

“I have the permission of King Glacian and Queen Gloria to finish your training there,” said Simon, “Besides; I stashed a few good blades there just in case you did choose the katana and the wakizashi.” As they approached the decorated and large door of the Elite Guard’s training hall, Wallace stood at attention, watching as his guests stepped forward. Simon and Anna stopped just a few yards away from the captain of the guard.

“Welcome, Simon and Anna,” said Wallace with a friendly smile, “The king and queen have granted your request to train here. You may proceed and do as you will, but please be aware not to disturb my comrades as they train the young Ralts and Kirlia on the other side of this door.”

“Wallace, you have my word,” declared Simon. Wallace smiled and nodded his head.

“Then you may enter,” said Wallace as he stepped back and slowly opened the heavy, white marble door. Anna was amazed at what she saw on the other side. There were dozens of male Ralts and Kirlias working hard on their training. Anna had to keep herself from laughing when she saw a few dozen Ralts lifting seventy-pound weights and working out on simple treadmills. Others were practicing different martial arts moves and techniques. Four Gallades were helping the youngsters and guiding them through the rough and difficult training. At the far left corner, she saw one of the Gallades with two Kirlias. They were standing on large, blue mats and from what Anna could gather, the two Kirlias were about to fight.

“Are you both ready?” asked the Gallade with a stern voice. The two Kirlias nodded their heads.

“Good, now show me what you’ve learned,” said the Gallade as he took a few steps back. The two Kirlias bowed towards each other once and then stood up straight and got into a ready stance.

“First to five points wins,” said the Gallade, “Get ready… and Fight!” At the Gallade’s command, the two Kirlias rushed towards each other with surprising speed. Anna watched with amazement as the young Kirlias unleashed a flurry of kicks, punches and lighting-fast blocks. A few moments later, the Kirlia on the left yelled out as his opponent landed a punch on his chest. The struck Kirlia fell to his knees from the pain.

“Good work, Zack,” said the Gallade to the winner of the first point, “Jason, can you continue?” Jason nodded his head and got back into a battle stance.

“Good,” said the Gallade, “Now fight!” Again, the Kirlias rushed at each other. Jason struck first and knocked Zack off his feet with a sweeping kick. Before Zack could react, Jason jumped onto him, pinning him to the ground. Jason yelled and with a quick move, managed to shake Jason off his body. Zack jumped to his feet and charged forward with a mighty kick, right into Jason’s chest again. Jason dropped to his knees and cried out in pain once again.

“Take it easy, Zack,” cautioned the Gallade, “You have another point, but remember that this is just practice.”

“I understand, sensei,” said Zack as he turned his concerned gaze towards his opponent, “Jason, are you okay?” Jason bowed his head in shame and cringed from the pain in his chest.

“I… I can’t take this anymore…” said Jason, “I can’t beat anyone I go against… ever…”

“Don’t give up! You can do it!” shouted Anna from across the room, drawing the undivided attention of every single Pokémon in the room. Anna blushed deeply from embarrassment.

“The princess is correct,” said the Gallade as he helped Jason get back on his feet, “I won’t deny that your training is difficult, hard on your body and mind as well as painful. I will say this, though: the only ones who have ever failed the training are the ones who quit. Sooner or later, many of the students give up as their hope and strength leave them. The few who stick it out become the next Gallades and proud members of the Elite Guard. Jason, give it one more try. You don’t have to win the fight today, but please don’t give up.” Jason nodded as he faced off against Zack on more time.

“I’ll try again,” said Jason, “Right now.”

“Bring it on,” said Zack.

“Now, be careful, you two,” said the Gallade, “Ready?” Jason and Zack looked into each others eyes and nodded their heads.

“Fight!” commanded the Gallade. Jason leapt forward one last time as Zack charged towards his opponent. Zack kicked and punched with great speed as Jason blocked every attack. Then, with another quick motion, Jason grabbed onto Zack’s left wrist with his left hand. Before the surprised Kirlia could react, Jason let his right fist fly forward, landing a direct hit on the left side of Zack’s face. Jason let go of his opponent and jumped back as Zack staggered to his feet.

“You see,” said the smiling Gallade, “You can do it.”

“Thank you so much, Princess Anna!” said Jason happily. Anna smiled at the young, happy Kirlia.

“You’re welcome,” said Anna cheerfully, “Now you keep at this until you become a Gallade.”

“I will!” said Jason as he and Zack faced off once again.

“Now, we should get started on your own training,” said Simon as he led Anna towards a doorway at the center of the far wall, “We’re allowed to use this room. This is where you will learn from me for the next three months.”

“But, I thought I only had two months of training left,” said Anna, “That was our deal.”

“I’m extending the timeline for one reason: you have great potential and have been one of my best students in ages,” said Simon, “Now, prepare yourself. Like I said, these next months are going to be the hardest you’ve ever had. All you will do is eat, sleep and train under me.”

“I am ready, sensei,” said Anna with determination as she and Simon entered the room. The walls were plain white marble and the room was much smaller than the main room the Gardevoir and Kabutops had just walked across. The other Ralts and Kirlias returned to their workouts and practice as Simon closed and locked the door tightly. Several large, soft blue mats were at the center of the room while painted pictures of other Gallades and a few racks of weapons lined the walls. Bright light streamed in through the massive windows.

“Now we shall begin,” said Simon as he approached Anna, “I’ll start you off with karate and its many forms. Knowing you and how quickly Gardevoirs can learn, I think you’ll have all this down within the next five weeks. Only after you’ve mastered the required techniques will I teach you the way of the sword.” The young Gardevoir nodded and prayed she would succeed. Her wedding was only months away and the thoughts of Enrique would be the only thing that would keep her going for the next three, long and painful months.

To say the least, William and Gremlin were very grateful and relieved. Despite the disaster in the main kitchen in Warren’s mansion, they had been given amnesty; of course, not without a thorough tongue-lashing from Mack, Aura, Warren and Agatha all in the same day. The last two months had passed by without further incidents. Agatha was overjoyed with the new kitchen and all its fancy appliances and utensils. All the food and the high quality ingredients had been replaced without much trouble. As for William and Gremlin, they never would even think of stealing food ever again: Well, at least they wouldn’t try to steal from that kitchen again. William was sound asleep in a linen-lined basket in Warren’s room as the old mayor snored loudly. It was late in the spring and the time was only 6:35 AM as the sun was just starting to peak over the mountainous horizon. Agatha was cooking what she would call a relatively simple breakfast of pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs and hash browns. The pleasant aromas from the sizzling food drifted their way down the long hallways of the mansion, slowly, but surely. Mack and Aura were in a deep blissful sleep, as usual. Mack had his left arm wrapped around his loving wife, holding her close to his body. The lovers were smiling in their sleep, when the wonderful smells from the kitchen graced Mack’s nose. His wings twitched a few times as he slowly awoke from his blissful sleep. He slowly sat up in bed as he spread his wings in a slow stretch. Mack smiled as he gazed happily at his sleeping mate. Before he had been awakened by the smell of a delightful breakfast, he had been happily dreaming about Aura. In his dream, he saw himself sitting in a velvet chair across from the bed. He was wearing his stunning wedding attire, complete with his flowing cape and gazing at Aura with a bright smile on his face. Aura was in her beautiful wedding dress and jewelry as well as she lay back on the large and comfortable bed with her wings spread out. There were several pink, soft and fluffy pillows behind her head and lower back. She was smiling with sheer delight as she rubbed her swollen belly with her right hand, stroking the sparkling, jeweled and decorated fabric on her wedding dress. Mack could only hope what he saw was an image from the future, when he and Aura would get to have their first Ralts. Mack sighed blissfully as he reached out with his right hand and gently rubbed Aura’s right shoulder. Aura let out a soft yawn, slowly opening her eyes as she awoke from her mate’s soft and gentle touch.

“Good morning, my beautiful princess,” said Mack sweetly as Aura sat up in bed, spread her wings out in a leisurely stretch and then met her mate’s gentle gaze.

“Good morning, my handsome prince,” said Aura with a blissful smile as she yawned and stretched a few times.

“I love you, Aura,” said Mack, smiling at his wife. Aura giggled and slid towards Mack, wrapping her arms around his lower torso.

“I love you too, honey,” said Aura tenderly, smiling as she leaned against Mack, “Have you been dreaming about me again?” Mack laughed warmly as he stroked the soft fabric of Aura’s skirt with his right hand.

“Guilty as charged,” replied Mack, “I dreamed that you and I were alone in this room and in our wedding attire…”

“I like it already,” said Aura with a sly grin.

“I was sitting in a chair on your left next to the bed,” said Mack as he affectionately put his left arm around Aura, “You were lying in bed, smiling at me as you were rubbing your belly: you were with Ralts and it seemed like we were just waiting patiently for our first child to be born.”

“Never hurts to look ahead,” giggled Aura, “Our tenth wedding anniversary is a little more than 8 years away.”

“Speaking of weddings,” said Mack as he faced Aura, “Our sister is going to be married in only a few months now.”

“That’s true. I hope Simon’s taking good care of her,” said Aura. The two lovers jumped from surprise as their bedroom shook for a few moments, following a muffled thud from outside.

“Now what’s going on…” muttered Mack as she stood up from the bed and made his way towards the sliding glass door at the far right corner of the room. He was just about to open the blinds on the door when Aura came up behind Mack and dangled a pair of white pants in his face.

“You really want to go to battle just wearing briefs under your gown?” asked Aura with a mischievous smile. Mack chuckled as he gently took the pants from Aura’s hands and hastily put them on under his flowing white skirt.

“I’m starting to make a bad habit of this,” said Mack with nervous laughter.

“Sooner or later, you’re going to greet one of our friends or family members with your briefs showing,” said Aura as she hastily put on a pair of soft, white pants under her flowing gown as well. The lovers were now presentable. Aura stood behind Mack as he slowly opened the blinds and then threw open the glass door. Xavier shrieked; startled from the sudden and very loud sound that came from behind him.

“Well, well,” said Mack with a smile as he crossed his arms, “If it isn’t Xavier, the world’s greatest Lugia.”

“Not really…” huffed Xavier in a depressed tone.

“You weren’t able to find a nice mate?” asked Aura softly.

“I did find a nice, female Lugia,” grumbled Xavier, “And then some other male Lugia showed up and drew her attention away from me with some sort of stupid courtship dance!”

“Maybe I should have taught you the electric slide when I had the chance,” joked Mack. Xavier laughed, feeling a bit better.

“That would have gotten her attention, alright,” giggled Aura. Xavier looked up at his dear friends.

“So, what’s up these days?” asked Xavier.

“Well, let’s see,” said Mack as grin spread across his face, “Aura secretly got mine and her wedding dresses redone, Ramirez finally proposed to Angel, William and Gremlin blew up the main kitchen in this mansion and Anna is still training under Simon.” Aura walked back into her room for a moment.

“Heh,” said a grinning Xavier, “I should have known I would miss all the fun!” Aura giggled as she walked onto the balcony, proudly showing off hers and Mack’s glamorous, sparkling wedding dresses as she held them up in her hands.

“Quite beautiful, aren’t they?” said Mack with a nervous smile. Xavier smiled mischievously at the male Guardian.

“I bet you look downright cute in your pretty new dress,” said Xavier jokingly as Aura laughed.

“Of course he looks cute in his wedding dress,” said Aura sweetly as she started to walk back into her bedroom again, “I would know: he’s my very own, pretty prince.” Mack laughed nervously as Aura happily put the pair of wedding dresses back into their appropriate closets.

“I’m going to have so much to explain to my family and friends when I finally get home,” said Mack as he turned his head to gaze at Aura, “With my beautiful mate.” Aura giggled as she quietly closed the closet doors shut and then walked back to Mack, standing at her mate’s side.

“Time to get breakfast, my pretty prince,” said Aura as she playfully nudged Mack’s left side.

“After you, my beautiful princess,” said Mack, smiling as he bowed politely. Aura laughed as Mack stood back up and then held onto her right hand, leading her out of the bedroom.

“I wonder how Anna is doing,” said Aura, “She’s been training with Simon a lot longer than she said she would.”

“Knowing Simon, he probably had a few other tricks up his sleeves that he just had to teach our sister,” said Mack as he closed the bedroom door behind himself and his wife. Mack would not find out just how right he was for at least a few more days. In Olympus, Simon was now finished teaching Anna all he knew about martial arts and swordplay. To make things fairer towards Anna, Simon had again morphed into a Gardevoir to teach the young Gardevoir a variety of unarmed combat styles: karate, judo and kung-fu just to name a few. Anna had learned the many styles quickly, leading Simon to the erroneous conclusion that his student would also master swordplay with great ease. Simon would know on the first day of teaching Anna how to wield the traditional Japanese swords just how wrong his assumption was. At first, Anna had so much trouble wielding the dulled swords that Simon had lent her. Even the dulled blades had proven more dangerous to the young Gardevoir than Simon could have ever imagined. A few healing cuts on Anna’s legs as well as a few cuts in one of the walls were testament to that fact. After weeks and weeks of intensive training, Anna now confidently held her glimmering katana and wakizashi in her hands. She twirled the sparkling blades and then, in one fluid motion, put both swords back into their scabbards. The dark, wooden scabbards were strapped onto a black, leather belt wrapped around her waist. She wiped some sweat off her brow, as did Simon as he let out a loud huff.

“You’ve learned well and very quickly,” said Simon with delight, back in his Kabutops from, “To say the very least, I am impressed Anna.”

“Thank you, sensei,” said a happy Anna with another polite bow towards her seasoned instructor.

“Let’s try that once more,” said Simon as he readied himself with his large, shimmering claws in a battle stance. Anna nodded and unsheathed her Japanese blades once again. Aura yelled with fury as she ran up to Simon and made one swift, calculated swing with her might blades, one after another. Sparks rained down onto the floor as Simon reflexively defended against each and every blow. Anna had gotten a lot faster over the last several weeks and could even block Simon’s quicker attacks and slashes as well. It had taken Anna a week just to learn how to wield the two ancient swords and took the last four weeks for Anna to learn how to attack and defend reflexively. This was no longer the case. Simon did a mighty back flip several feet into the air, landing several yards from his student. Anna rushed back towards her instructor, with her swords at the ready. Simon let his arms and their lethal claws drop to his sides.

“Here we go again…” thought Anna as she tightened her grip on the two blades. Almost every time Simon had seemed to let his guard down, Anna would rush forward and Simon, in a flash, would knock the blades loose from the young Gardevoir’s grip and would pin her on the floor with one claw. The other claw would be against her throat.

“You can do this, Anna,” said Simon, “You’ve lost against me enough times to surely have figured me out by now.” Anna sheathed the short wakizashi and gripped the katana with both hands. Anna yelled as she rushed into battle once again. Simon knew he had her once again and got ready to strike, but suddenly, Anna did a back flip and landed just inches out of Simon’s striking range. Simon was already moving into his attack when Anna had evaded him at the last moment. As soon as Simon’s claws were out of her way, still in mid swing, Anna jumped forward and with a sweeping kick hit Simon right in the face. The old Kabutops lost his balance and dropped onto his back. Anna lunged forward and gently pressed the tip of her katana against Simon’s neck. Their battle had taken them off the protection of the soft mats and onto the old marble floor.

“Now yield,” said Anna defiantly, “I’ve beaten you.”

“You haven’t won,” said Simon with a grin, “You’ve given up your footing for a killing stroke.” Simon slammed his left claw into the floor as hard and fast as he could, shattering the old, white marble tiles. Anna struggled to keep her balance as the ancient flooring under her feet suddenly gave way into a two-foot deep crater. Anna screamed as she fell to her knees in the middle of the shallow, three-foot wide crater. Wallace had heard the sound of crumbling marble and Anna’s scream, so he ran towards the old training room.

“Now what has that Kabutops gone and done?” grumbled Wallace as he kicked the marble doors open.

“Be careful in here!” shouted Wallace, “This room hasn’t been used for serious training in years because of the unstable floor, so watch your step!” Wallace bowed his head in despair and let out a heavy sigh when he saw Simon lying on his back. Anna was now standing in the middle of a considerable crater, stunned and still holding the katana with her right hand.

“Hello, Wallace,” said Anna nervously.

“Hrmph!” grumbled Wallace, “Maybe it’s high time you two took your sparing elsewhere, perhaps the main training hall?”

“A splendid idea,” said Simon with a grin as he got back on his feet, “I think the little ones could use a good laugh.” Anna glared at Simon as she put her katana back in its scabbard.

“This way, please,” said Wallace as he motioned for the young Gardevoir and ancient Kabutops to head through the doorway, “The young ones are taking a break. I’m sure they’ll be delighted to see some real fighting.”

“I’ll try not to disappoint them,” said Anna confidently as she and Simon walked into a white circle at the middle of the massive room. The other Gallades, Kirlias and Ralts were sitting on the floor, watching with anticipation as Anna and Simon stepped into the center ring. Anna and Simon bowed towards each other and then stood erect, staring at each other. Anna unsheathed her katana and its smaller companion as Simon brandished his claws.

“Pay close attention,” said Wallace to the eager trainees, “You’re going to be in for a real treat here.” Anna twirled her wakizashi in her left hand and glared at Simon, ready to strike.

“Now we’re on a more even playing field,” said Anna sternly.

“Agreed,” said Simon, “Now, let’s see how you fair this time, Anna. Now… GO!!” With that, Simon and Anna charged towards each other with a loud shout and their gleaming blades drawn. The Ralts, Kirlias and Gallades watched with amazement as sparks rained on the ground from the mighty clashes between Anna’s swords and Simon’s massive claws. The metallic noise was loud and echoed throughout the entire gigantic room.

“Anna sure is holding her own against that Kabutops, isn’t she?” asked Wallace. The other Gallades nodded their heads in agreement as the mighty battle continued. For only the second time in the last several months, Anna was winning as she kept pushing Simon back with her impressive display of attacks and defenses against Simon’s claws with a dulled katana and wakizashi. The trainees were cheering Anna on as she backed Simon into a corner. Simon snorted with contempt, not pleased that the little ones were all against him.

“Surely you don’t think you’ve beaten me already, do you?” asked Simon gruffly. Anna shook her head back and forth a few times and then returned her glaring gaze onto Simon. The old Kabutops had his back against the wall and smiled at his student. Anna had gotten stronger and wiser faster than he could have ever imagined. Anna brought her blades back towards her body, ready to defend herself from whatever Simon was about to unleash.

“You’re very wise to not underestimate me,” said Simon, “Which is how you should always treat your enemies, great or small, for you never know what they may do next.” Without another word Simon jumped into the air with a mighty leap, over Anna’s head and back towards the center of the huge training room. Simon figured he would be able to wear Anna out and eventually best her. Sure enough, Anna had her blades drawn and was running after Simon with surprising speed. Then, something happened that no one could have expected. One of the onlookers, a young Ralts who had just began his training this very day, threw a banana peel onto the floor, right where Simon was going to land. The other Gallades were not fast enough to get the floor cleaned and Simon was too busy keeping his eyes on his opponent as his feet landed hard on the ground. The sickening feeling of the squishy banana peel greeted Simon’s senses as he flew onto his back, howling with unbridled anger. He opened his eyes and saw Anna, grinning with the tip of her katana against his throat.

“You can’t break the floor under me this time,” said Anna forcefully, “You’re always telling me to be aware of my surroundings at all times, something it appears you did not remember this time, sensei. Now yield!” Simon growled with frustration: Anna was right and had clearly figured out his error, the one time he had slipped up in the last several months and he knew he was beaten. Simon smiled at Anna.

“You’ve beaten me,” said Simon happily, “Fair and square. I’m very impressed with you, Anna. Now, you may lower your blades and step back. You are the victor.” Anna bowed politely and quickly put her blades back in their scabbards. Anna turned her back to Simon, keeping her right hand on the hilt of the katana when Simon sprang up from the ground and charged at Anna with his claws out. Anna said not a word as she twirled around, drew her katana and smashed Simon right in his nose with the hard hilt of her katana the moment Simon was close enough. Simon shrieked and jumped back, rubbing his nose. Simon’s exterior may have been harder than stone, but Anna’s calculated and well-timed blow had been quick and devastating.

“Way to go, Princess Anna!” said the young Ralts who had sabotaged Simon’s chance for victory over his student with but a discarded piece of fruit peal, “You defeated Simon the Klutz!”

“Be quiet, young one!” snapped Wallace angrily; the Gallade hoped Simon had not heard what the young student had just said, but the Kabutops clearly heard what had just been spoken.

“Simon the Klutz?!” thundered the ancient Kabutops as he stomped towards the Ralts, “How did you come up with that one?!” Anna giggled as she put her katana back into its scabbard and watched the scene unfold.

“But…” said the Ralts nervously, “That’s… what everyone… calls you because of… what you did at the king and queen’s wedding, not to mention their… 10th wedding anniversary…”

“Give me a break…” grumbled Simon, “Throughout Olympus I’m known as Simon the Klutz?”

“I’m afraid it’s true, Simon,” said Wallace as he stepped towards the fuming Kabutops, “Word spread among the people of Olympus quickly about your… shall we say… exploits. I’ve tried to discourage such things here, but not with complete success.”

“So I see,” said Simon as he glared at the young Ralts, “Be glad you’re not worth my time, otherwise I would challenge you to a duel to reclaim my honor.”

“I can take you on!” said the Ralts overconfidently.

“Get back in line, little one,” commanded Wallace.

“No,” said Anna softly as she walked to and stood at Wallace’s left side, “Let him try and learn the hard way.” Wallace figured he could use a good laugh right now between the unruly student and the mess in the old training hall.

“Very well,” said Wallace, “Begin when you are ready, Simon.” Simon nodded and took a few steps back from the arrogant Ralts.

“I’m gonna beat you for sure!” shouted the Ralts defiantly.

“Bring it on,” said Simon. With that, the Ralts yelled out in fury and charged at Simon. Suddenly, the Ralts yelped as he stepped on and then tripped on his gown, falling flat on his face. Simon chuckled warmly.

“Do you need some help?” asked Simon with a mocking tone of voice, “Or are you just trying to make me die from laughter, little klutz?” The Ralts growled with anger and jumped back on his feet. The Ralts yelled out with fury again as he ran towards Simon. The old Kabutops just stood still while the Ralts punched and kicked at his heavily-armored chest.

“So, you’re going to tickle me to death instead, eh?” asked Simon mockingly. With a gentle motion of his left claw, he pushed the young Ralts off his feet and onto the floor. The young, male Ralts cried loudly with anguish.

“Why can’t I beat you?!” shouted the Ralts as tears streamed down his face.

“The answer is simple,” said Wallace sternly, “You are far too young and have very little experience in combat or at much else for that matter. You’re going to have to train long and hard if you ever expect to be able to defeat the toughest opponents, let alone make it into the Elite Guard.”

“Yes, sir,” said the Ralts as he stood up and slowly walked away from Simon with his head hung low in shame.

“When you get older, there’s no reason why we can’t spar or why I can’t teach you,” said Simon firmly, “You have a long way to go and only time will tell just how capable you are.”

“Then I’ll keep training,” said the Ralts with renewed confidence, “I’ll become an Elite Guard, just like my father. Just you wait and see.”

“I’ll be there at your award ceremony, but that is only if you stay determined and give it your all,” said Simon as he faced Anna, “As for you, it would seem that I am perhaps not a suitable opponent for you. Wallace?”

“Yes, Simon?” asked Wallace with a heavy sigh, “What is it this time?” Simon smiled at the old Gallade.

“Don’t you worry, this does not involve any more demolition,” replied Simon, “Are there any Gallades who would be up to the challenge of sparing with Anna?”

“That can be arranged right now, if you want,” answered Wallace.

“Good,” said Simon cheerfully, “Now, we just need an opponent.”

“I’ll go,” said Daniel, “It should be interesting to see just how powerful Princess Anna has become.” Simon laughed to himself with glee. Surely a seasoned guard like Daniel would be able to defeat Anna quickly and with ease. The young Gardevoir and the mature Gallade walked to the middle of the battlefield. The combatants bowed towards each other and then stood erect. Anna unsheathed her pair of swords as Daniel extended his forearm blades. They glared at each other, ready to fight.

“Now be careful,” cautioned Wallace, “Don’t hold back, but make sure you do not hurt her highness. Anna, I trust you will take all steps to avoid hurting Daniel?”

“You got it, Wallace,” said Anna firmly.

“As you wish, sir!” said a determined Daniel.

“Now… FIGHT!!” commanded Wallace. Simon looked on with great anticipation as Anna and Daniel charged towards each other. Then, Simon and Wallace looked on with horror and disbelief as Anna defended against Daniel’s few blows and then knocked him onto the floor with a sweeping kick. Daniel couldn’t get up fast enough for Anna already had the tip of her dulled katana at his throat. Daniel smiled at the young Gardevoir.

“You’ve beaten me,” said Daniel with sheer amazement, “I would expect nothing less from a princess of the realm or from a student of Simon’s.”

“Or at hand-to-hand combat,” said Anna as she sheathed her katana and helped Daniel get back on his feet.

“You got beaten by a girl!” laughed the young Ralts again. A quick glare from Wallace was the only signal the little Ralts needed to know he needed to be quiet.

“Let’s try someone else?” suggested Simon.

“I’ll try,” said Vladimir as he stepped forward.

“As you wish,” said Vladimir as he and Anna took their positions on the field. Less a minute later, against all odds, now it was Vladimir’s turn to have his back on the floor with Anna’s katana at his throat. Another hour would pass before all the young Ralts and Kirlias would watch every last member of the Elite Guard get defeated by Anna with only a few quick blows. Wallace and Simon were astounded.

“I think it’s safe to say that you may have trained Anna too well,” said Wallace with disbelief as Anna sheathed her katana and wakizashi once again and helped yet another swiftly defeated opponent back on his feet.

“I think I’ve created a monster,” said a bewildered Simon.

“Most impressive, Princess Anna,” said Arthur happily, “I can’t remember the last time anyone has managed to defeat me in combat, let alone a younger Gardevoir like yourself.”

“You are too kind, Arthur,” said Anna sweetly.

“A kind and humble monster,” said Wallace with a smile.

“But still a monster,” grumbled Simon.

“Just like my apprentice,” said Wallace as he walked towards the large group of his comrades, “I want you all to know that you did very well against Anna and my own apprentice. Most importantly, I want you to all know that you are still more than capable of defending Olympus and its people and to not let these unexpected defeats make you lose your confidence.”

“Who’s your apprentice?” asked an excited Anna, “I’d like to fight him, too!” Wallace grinned at Anna.

“What are you smiling about?” asked Simon. Wallace said nothing as he faced a door at the far side of the immense room.

“Apprentice!” called Wallace, “You may end your meditation and prayer now and come forth!” Everyone in the room became silent as the door slowly creaked open. Simon gasped and Anna looked on with wide eyes as Wallace’s apprentice came towards them.

“I am here, sensei,” said Enrique calmly as he walked up to Anna. The young Gardevoir was shocked as she looked at her fiancé. He had a leather belt around his waist with a pair of Japanese swords in scabbards just like hers.

“You mean to say that Wallace was training you while Simon was training me?” asked Anna with amazement. Enrique smiled and nodded at his bride to be.

“I have some things I need to say to you and now I feel like I can,” said Enrique with a cheerful tone of voice, “You weren’t alone in your quest to become a better Gardevoir, to say the least.” Wallace nodded his head.

“When I heard what he told me over five months ago I knew he needed guidance,” said Wallace, “His parents agreed that Enrique needed some teaching and training as well.”

“I was feeling so unconfident in my upcoming marriage to you that I was about to call it off,” said Enrique as he turned his gaze towards Wallace, “But Wallace took me under his wing and taught me far more than how to fight: he taught me confidence, self-control and to not fear when you and I become mates.” Anna smiled and blushed as she stared at Enrique. Wallace glanced at Simon with a friendly smile on his face.

“The young lovers have been reunited,” said Wallace happily, “I think it’s quite obvious that their training is complete.”

“I don’t think so,” said Simon, still wanting to vindicate himself in any manner he could, “I think they should take turns sparing with you as a final test.” Wallace laughed at Simon.

“Oh, give your pride a rest, Simon!” said Wallace with warm laughter, “After all, one thing I’ve learned over the years is to not be eager for fighting, combat and the like and especially bloodshed. Am I right, my apprentice?”

“Yes, sensei,” said Enrique with great respect.

“Very good, Enrique. Henceforth, you are no longer my apprentice,” declared Wallace with great joy, “You’ve mastered much in so little time. Now, I have a gift for you and your mate to be.” Wallace glanced at Daniel. He nodded his head to an unspoken question and walked out of the large training room.

“I’ll take those training blades back now,” said Simon, “You won’t be needing them anymore.” Wallace chuckled warmly as Anna undid the black, leather belt and then handed the swords, scabbards and the accompanying belt back to Simon, “You’ve done better than I could have ever imagined. You are no longer my apprentice either Anna and I wish you the very best in your upcoming marriage.” Anna giggled with delight as Enrique also took off his belt and training swords. The two lovers were about to wrap their arms around each other in a passionate embrace when Daniel walked back into the room, carrying several objects in his arms, hidden under a large, white cloth.

“Princess Anna, Enrique: please step towards me,” said Wallace firmly as Daniel walked to and then stood at Wallace’s right side. The two young Gardevoirs approached the leader of the Elite Guard, wondering what he was about to bestow upon them.

“In honor of both of you completing your training, I want to give each of you a present,” said Wallace as he reached out with his left hand and quickly removed the white cloth that was covering Daniel’s arms and the objects he was carrying. Enrique and Anna gasped in unison when they saw Wallace’s presents for each of them: two ornate, white belts with golden buckles. On each belt, there were two golden scabbards: each belt had a decorated katana and wakizashi clipped to it.

“These blades were made centuries ago by order of King Cyrus and Queen Alexi,” explained Daniel, “According to the orders that K-1 found on the ancient archives, these swords were to be presented to the winged ones who sought training in the house of the Elite Guard. Most importantly, the winged ones were to not yet be married. All these prophesies have been fulfilled this very day.” Wallace smiled as he gently put each belt around the waist of their rightful owners and then secured the clips.

“King Cyrus foresaw that the owners of these swords would have grand futures ahead of them,” said Wallace, “He also said the owners would be able to face whatever lay ahead so long as they did so together.” Anna grabbed the gold and silver hilt of her katana and removed it from its decorated scabbard. The blade was light, perfectly balanced and shone with bright luster.

“K-1 said one other thing,” said Daniel with glee, “These swords are made out of the same metal as the armored door to the old archives. He said the blades are practically indestructible.”

“Take good care of them and remember to only use them for peace,” cautioned Wallace. Anna twirled her new katana in her hand a few times before putting it back in the ornate scabbard.

“I understand,” said Enrique with confidence.

“I accept these blades and the promise we make by taking them as our own,” said Anna respectfully, “Thank you, Wallace.”

“No, thank you,” said Wallace with immense delight, “Glacian will be overjoyed when he hears that the royal knights of Olympus may live on once again.”

“Knights of Olympus?” asked Anna with curiosity.

“I’ll explain another day. You two have a lot to discuss as it is,” said Wallace, “In the meantime, you both are free to go.” Anna and Enrique bowed politely and respect to their teachers one last time and then left the training hall of the Gallades without another word, back to their homes.

“Alexander and Aurora aren’t going to believe it when I show them what I just got,” thought Anna happily. Her wedding day was only a few months away. Now, for the first time in ages, she felt confident that she would be not only a good wife, but the best friend Enrique would ever have.

Mack was alone in his bedroom on this warm, mid-summer evening. After all, there was no way Aura was going to miss her little sister’s bridal shower. The sun had set not more than half an hour ago and the Guardian was lying back on the large, soft bed, relaxing and reflecting on the events that had unfolded over the last year. He vividly remembered the freak forest fire which had been started by someone or something not far from the base of Mt. Terror. Mack still wondered who was responsible for the fire that if left unchecked, could have destroyed the village of Gardev in a matter of hours. The Guardian also wondered what had become of the young Gardevoir, Alana. The thought soon left his mind when something far more important came from his memory. The rediscovery of the written form of the Gardevoir language as well as vital information on the Black Pendant, courtesy of the late King Cyrus and Queen Alexi, had solved many mysteries about the city of Olympus and what had thought to have been lost history. Now, not only was Anna about to be married, but Aura’s older brother, Ramirez, would soon have a mate as well by the next year. Of course, Mack could never have seen the day coming when he would open his closet and find his wedding attire to be more stunning and beautiful than before as well as Aura’s. Now there was the mystery of the Royal Knights of Olympus. Glacian and Gloria would say nothing about the subject, claiming they would reveal the history of the mythical order when Enrique and Anna were more prepared and more mature. K-1 had read up on the fabled order of Knights by way of the ancient archives, but he was also forbidden by King Glacian and Queen Gloria to speak of the matter. For now, K-1 was all too happy to be back home in the hidden laboratory. Being surrounded by books and white marble had felt so foreign to the robot, as opposed to being surrounded by computers and other advanced technologies. Back in the Guardians bedroom, William jumped up onto the bed and slowly walked towards Mack with a look of happiness on his face.

“Hi there, William,” said Mack with a content smile as he gently stroked the friendly Pikachu, “Are you having a nice evening?” William squeaked happily.

“I’m feeling pretty good and I can’t complain,” said William with a cheerful tone of voice.

“Could that be because of how easy you and Gremlin got off for blowing up the kitchen a few months ago,” chuckled Mack. William smiled sheepishly and nodded his head.

“I know, I know,” said William with nervous laughter, “Still, the look on Agatha and Warren’s faces were priceless.”

“I have to agree with that,” said Mack, chuckling warmly as he gently patted William on his head a few times.

“Well, I’m off to go find Anna,” said William as he jumped off the bed and started for the bedroom door with great haste.

“Oh? Where are you off to in such a hurry and why do you need to see Anna?” asked Mack as William quickly stopped in his tracks.

“I just wanted to ask her something,” said William, “That’s alright with you, right?”

“Go ahead,” said Mack with a smile, “Have fun over there.” William ran through the doorway and was soon speeding down the long corridors of the mansion. Meanwhile, Anna and several of her friends had gathered in one of the conference rooms of the giant chapel. Aurora was sitting next to her daughter, smiling with immense delight as she, her daughter and the multitude of guests talked about recent events and the upcoming wedding while dining on fresh pastries and pies. Simon, wearing a white chef’s hat, happily set a few warm cherry pies on a table with a shimmering, white table cloth.

“This is so good, Simon!” said Anna with glee, “This is the best apple pie I’ve had in years!”

“What were you expecting?” asked a grinning Simon, “There aren’t any boxed foods at this party, nor will there be any at your wedding reception.” Simon cheerfully left the room as Angel sat down next to Anna.

“So, you’re sure you want to get married at the Gardev church?” asked an excited Aurora.

“Why shouldn’t I?” asked Anna happily, “Isn’t that where you, Dad, Mack, Aura, Fredrick and Sakura all got married, too?”

“You want to keep that little tradition going, don’t you?” asked Aurora with a bright smile. Anna giggled and nodded her head.

“Speaking of tradition,” said Angel as she grinned at the hopeful bride to be, “Would you like to try on your wedding dress now?” Anna’s eyes opened wide with great excitement.

“Oh, I would love to!” exclaimed Anna, getting the complete and undivided attention of her guests.

“What’s going on again?” asked one of the female Gardevoirs.

“Anna just wants to try on her wedding dress,” said Angel as an embarrassed Anna blushed deeply, “Would you all like to see it?” To say the least, the other Gardevoirs were very eager to see what the young princess of Olympus would get to wear on her wedding day. Angel gently held onto Anna’s left hand.

“How about you and Aurora come with me?” asked Angel. The mother and daughter smiled, stood up and followed Angel out of the conference room. There, in the middle of the hallway, stood William as he waited patiently for Anna.

“Oh! Hello you little cutie,” said a happy Anna as she bent over to get a closer look at the furry and friendly rodent, “What brings you here?”

“Well, you remember how I volunteered to be the ring bearer at your wedding, right?” asked William with some hesitation.

“I remember,” replied a smiling Anna, “So, is there something you wanted to ask me?”

“I wanted to ask you if there is anything else you would like me to do at your wedding,” asked William, “Is there anything else I can do at all? Anything…?”

“You’ll do anything?” asked the surprised bride to be. William was absolutely sure about this.

“You have my word,” said William with determination, “I’ll do anything to make that day special for you.” Angel said nothing as Anna smiled deviously. Not only had William set up quite a trap, but he was about to fall into it head first. Anna just smiled as she reached out and tenderly stroked William on his head with her right hand.

“Okay, little friend,” said Anna sweetly, “I’ll keep that in mind.” Angel managed to keep herself from laughing as she read Anna’s thoughts: the young Gardevoir had something very nasty up her sleeves and it was just for the gullible and unwary Pikachu.

“Thank you, Anna!” said William happily.

“No,” said Anna as she resumed her walk down the hallway with her mother and Angel, “Thank you.” William sat down in the hallway and watched as Anna rounded a corner and then stepped into one of the open doors in the long corridor. William smiled, figuring he had done something very nice for Anna, even though he did not a single clue what he had just gotten himself into. Nevertheless, he scurried down the hallway and the joyful shout he heard from Anna down the corridor only added to his false sense of happiness and security. The day of Enrique and Anna’s wedding, to say the least, would be one he would remember for the rest of his life. Meanwhile, Anna was in absolute awe and wonder as she slipped into her gorgeous wedding dress for the first time while standing behind a dressing screen. Soon, the wondrous dress was in place and Anna’s mother had tenderly laced up the dress, tying the laces off in a nice bow. Anna stepped out from behind the dressing screen with a look of immense joy on her face as she gazed at herself in a large mirror.

“I see it fits you perfectly,” said Angel with delight.

“Oh, my daughter is going to be so beautiful on her wedding day!” said Aurora with unbridled joy.

“Thanks to you,” said a smiling Angel, “If you had not helped me with this design I would have had a much more difficult time getting the dress made and decorated.”

“Just wait until Enrique sees you,” giggled Aurora, “He’ll be absolutely stunned to see his princess like this.”

“I’m not even wearing my jewelry yet, either,” said a grinning Anna as she took a good look at herself.

“That brings up another matter,” said Aurora, still smiling happily, “Who do you want to cater your wedding feast?”

“Do you have any suggestions?” asked Anna. Aurora nodded and then glanced at Angel. The young, master Gardevoir seamstress nodded her head to an unspoken question as she opened the door to the small room. As soon as the dark oak door was open, three Pokémon walked into the room: one Kabutops and two other Gardevoirs. Anna smiled at the familiar Kabutops.

“I should have known,” said a happy Anna.

“If you pick me, you can think of it as my wedding present to you and your mate,” said Simon cheerfully.

“So, who should it be?” asked Aurora, “You get to decide this, Anna.” Anna nodded and looked over the three Pokémon carefully.

“I’m one of the royal chefs, Vance,” said Vance as he bowed politely towards Princess Anna, “I intend to prepare traditional, yet delightful dishes for your wedding feast. Lobster, Crabby and other sea foods are my specialty.”

“Eli is my name,” said the other chef with a polite bow towards Anna, “Tradition is also my game. I think you’ll enjoy a selection of dishes made from beef, poultry and other meats all jazzed up with vegetables, splendid presentations and a vast array of herbs and spices. I will make your wedding feast a meal you’ll surely remember for the rest of you life.”

“Same here,” said a determined Vance. Anna was uncertain about the two royal chefs. Sure, they could prepare grand meals, but their suggested menus were not really what she had in mind. Simon looked into Anna’s eyes as she glanced back and forth between him and the Gardevoir chefs. He grinned, knowing just how he could secure his position as Anna’s caterer.

“I, however, have other ideas,” said Simon confidently, “Tradition is good. Nevertheless, Anna; my main aim is to please her majesty and her new prince with whatever they want: no questions asked.” Simon smiled at the other chefs, savoring the looks of absolute horror on their faces.

“Surely her highness would prefer what I’ve proposed,” said Vance nervously. Eli nodded his head in agreement. Simon faced the other chefs.

“Still, wouldn’t you agree that the bride should have the complete choice and the final say in what her feast is going to feature?” asked Simon, “It’s going to be HER special day and whoever gets the catering job needs to tend to her tastes and preferences, no matter what they are.”

“Simon, you get the job,” said Anna nonchalantly.

“You have good taste, as always,” said Simon, suddenly remembering who he was dealing with, “…Well… most of the time.” Angel, Aurora and Anna all laughed as the other chefs left the room, chuckling to themselves.

“I’ll let you know my menu of choice tomorrow, Simon,” said a delighted Anna.

“Very well,” said Simon, wondering what he had just gotten himself into. Now both Simon the Kabutops and William the Pikachu were in Anna’s cruel clutches. Best of all for Anna, neither of the Pokémon had any idea of what to expect in the days ahead.

>To be continued...<
Written by Dr. Mack Foxx and Aaraboga Jones

Original Story, Characters and all other Original Content are Copyright 1987-2008 Philip “Dr. Mack Foxx” Byard and Aaron “Aaraboga Jones” Byard

Poke’mon and all related content and characters are Copyright 1995-2008 to Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures and The Poke’mon Company
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EnergyVector's avatar
It does concern me what malicious ideas Anna have in mind for William and Simon. Still, if the tradition is to be followed I am certain Anna will end up with cake in her face once again! I wonder who will have the honors this time.. EVIL Laughter!